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The CRAAP Test is a easy to use set of questions to determine whether or not a resource should be used.


Accuracy pertains to the reliability of the information. This pertains to many different areas including grammar.

Some Questions to Ask

  • Where does the information come from?
    • Experiments, expert witnesses, opinions
  • Does the author support their claims with evidence?
    • Does the data and citations pass the CRAAP Test or are they using unreliable sources?
    • Are the sources they using scientific from respected journals or are they using second-hand sources from news outlets?
  • Where do other links on the site go?
    • Are those sites relevant and reliable?
  • Are there spelling and grammatical errors?
    • These can be a sign of lack of care for the source.
  • Can you verify any of the information from your own knowledge or by doing a Google Search?
  • Do you see any evidence of plagiarism?