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History and Systems: Book Critique

A guide for research projects and assignments in History and Systems.

Books in the Library

Choosing a Book

For this assignment, you need to choose one book on which to write a citical review. 

Finding an appropriate book:

  • The book should be written by a historical psychologist.
  • The book must be at least 30 years old, give or take a year or two.

Select a book that is in your area of interest. You may want to choose a book by an author that you have always been intrigued by, but never had time to read more about. Do not choose the shortest book you can find. 

If you do not know which book to choose or are having a hard time deciding between books, you can find reviews of books online.  These reviews can give you an idea about the content of the book and help you decide if you are interested enough to choose the book for your critique.

For quick, easy reviews, check out:

If you need some more ideas, you can always talk with your professor or a librarian. There are also some examples in the left-hand column of this LibGuide.

Finding Additional Resources

Although this is a book review, you will need to have at least one more reference to be used for the autobiographical section of the report.

Books in the Library:

The library catalog may be helpful for your paper, depending on the person you choose.

You can type the name of your pioneer into the first search box (Find items that have: All these words:) to get the broadest results.

To get more specific results, trying typing the name of your pioneer into the Title or Subject search boxes. This will help you find works that contain biographical information.


You may also be able to find some articles that have useful information for this report. However, journal articles are often on biographical in nature. But you can use a database to locate book reviews of biographies on your pioneer.

For example, if you use Academic Search Premier, you can type the name of your pioneer in the first search box, limiting the search to Title. You can then type biography into the second search box.  Book reviews of biographies will appear as part of the results. You can then check the library catalog to see if the library has access to those books or request them through ILL (see below).

Articles can also be helpful for the professional contributions part of your report.  After gettting some background on your pioneer, search for their theories, equipment, tests, etc. that made them pioneers in the history of psychology.  Other databases you can try include:

To learn more about these databases, go the the Historical Analysis Paper tab of this LibGuide.

Interlibrary Loan:

If you can not find a book on your pioneer or need the full-text of an article, you may request the material through interlibrary loan, or ILL.

Just remember to request materials early, especially if it is a book or other physical material. Otherwise you may not get the resource in time.


You can also use websites as sources for your report, but make sure not all of your resources are websites.  Be sure to refer to the CRAAP Test LibGuide to determine if a specific website is a good resource.

Books Available Through your Professor

Some books are available through your professor.  Make an appointment to browse her shelves and see what is available to check out.

Don't forget other professors too.  They may have historical books that would be of interest to you.

Search for eBooks


The EBSCO eBook collection includes titles covering many subjects. Click here to start searching for eBooks on your topic.

Outside Links

These links to outside resources can help you understand more about book reviews. However, it is important that you follow your professor's instructions.  They may have preferences that differ from these resources.

Need Help with Citations?

According to your assignment sheet:

"Papers need to include an APA style title page, heading, and reference page....The reference page should include the reference of the book and at least one more reference that was used for the autobiographical section of the report.  You should include in-text citations when you are directly referencing any material from the book you are reviewing."

If you need help with APA style, you can talk to your professor or a librarian. You can also check out our APA LibGuide.